Contact Details
Corpus Christi Catholic Primary School
Lyttelton Road,
B33 8BL
If you do either phone school or visit us the people you will first speak to will be either Mrs Julie Martin, Miss Julie Butler or Mrs Dee Tuohy. They will be more than happy to deal with any queries, pass on messages or organise teachers' diaries.
The name of our special educational needs co-ordinator is Mrs Mary Kenny and you can call her on 0121 675 2784 to speak with her or make and appointment to speak with her.
Worried about a child?
If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person please contact school first. Mrs Taylor is the Designated Safeguarding Lead and Mr Logue and Mrs Tuohy are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and Mrs K Wilde is the Safeguarding Governor. telephone the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email; For more information on email security click here.
Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team
For more information about making a referral and to access the Request for Support form - click here