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Corpus Christi Rights Respecting Schools Class Charters


Miss Monaghan & Miss Crean (Reception)

The boys and girls in Reception may be the youngest in the school but they are fully committed to and understand a lot of the rights children should have in order to live a full and fruitful life.

Mrs Flannery & Miss Edmead (Year 1)

The children in Year 1 a real champions of children's rights. They try to link them into all aspects of their lives. 


Miss Hosty, Miss Healy & Miss Stokes (Year 2)

Year 2 have been finding out about those children whose rights aren't respected; no just around the world but closer to home too. The boys and girls have been learning all about the way in which some children were treated in Victorian times...if you listen carefully you might be lucky enough to hear Year 2 singing the Rights Respecting School's Song!

Miss Malins & Miss Greaves (Year 3)

The boys and girls in Year 3 have been focusing on lots of different articles; especially the articles that tells us that tell us that children should be listened to and the right to find things out and share these with others.


Miss Molloy & Miss Hughes (Y4)

Year 4 have focused on a wide range of articles in their learning. They have found out about the child's right to be healthy and exercise.

Year 4 have enjoyed doing research work and getting lots of information about their topic - this is a right of all children.


Mr Connelly & Mrs Roberts (Year 5)

Year 5 have had a look at the lives of world leaders. Leaders such as Nelson Mandela have taught us about the right to freedom, that we have the right to be helped by our government in certain situations.

As we are a Catholic school this shows us that our right to practice our religion is respected and because we are a school in a diverse area of Birmingham, those of us who speak a different language are respected and this is celebrated.


Mr Martin & Mrs Garghan (Year 6)

Throughout this year, year 6 have been focusing on the right to a good education - they believe that by coming to Corpus Christi they receive that.

Year 6 were recently confirmed by the Bishop and this shows that they have a right to a religion.

Worried about a child?

If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person please contact school first. Mrs Taylor is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Logue, Mrs Tuohy, Miss Stokes, Mrs Garghan and Miss Townson are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and Mrs K Wilde is the Safeguarding Governor. telephone the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email; CASS@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk. For more information on email security click here.

Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team

For more information about making a referral and to access the Request for Support form - click here

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