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Special Educational Needs and

Disabilities at Corpus Christi

Head Teacher: Mrs Julie Taylor                                                    

SENDCo: Mrs M Kenny                                         

Designated Governor for SEND: Mrs Kirstie Wilde

Family Support Worker: Mrs Dee Tuohy    

Local Offer:   Birmingham's Local Offer - This is where you will find help, advice and information about the services that are available for your child with a Special Educational Need or Disability [SEND]

Curriculum Intent and Ambitious Curriculum for All

Our intent at Corpus Christi Catholic Primary is that we deliver an ambitious curriculum for all groups of learners, including those with special educational needs or additional learning/medical needs.

‘Entitlement for all’ is a key feature of our pedagogy and pupils with SEND are set high expectations and staff have high aspirations for all pupils.

Challenge is also a key feature of lessons, including for pupils with SEND, to maximise progress and push the learning boundaries for all pupils.

At Corpus Christi we recognise the vital importance of pupils with SEND accessing elements of an age related curriculum alongside their peers. This promotes engagement, challenge and access to essential vocabulary and key learning opportunities for all.

Quality First Teaching is seen as a key element of successful SEND teaching. 

At Corpus Christi pupils with SEND who require additional support to close the learning gap, participate in a range of specific, targeted interventions.

In order to secure the best outcomes our high focus pupils also benefit from a range of specific outside agency support and planning for their learning journey.

The ‘Team around the Child’ is seen as crucial to partnership working and securing the best outcomes for pupils with SEND and families.

Equal Opportunities

At Corpus Christi, we will continuously strive to ensure that everyone in our school is treated with respect and dignity. Each person in our school will be given fair and equal opportunity to develop their full potential with positive regard to gender, ethnicity, cultural and religious background, sexuality or disability.

Aims and Objectives

The aims of this policy are:

  • to create an inclusive environment that meets the needs of all groups of learners and every child.  ‘Entitlement for All’
  • to deliver an ambitious curriculum so that pupils with SEND can maximise their learning potential and engage in quality first teaching alongside pupils who do not have SEN
  • to ensure there are high expectations set for all pupils with SEND in relation to their starting point
  • to engage with and  respond to parents/carers views in order to promote high levels of engagement and confidence
  • to work in partnership with all stakeholders, ‘Team around the Child’

       and make clear the expectations of all partners in the process

  • to ensure that our Pedagogy caters for a range of different learning styles and that there is a multi-sensory approach to teaching and learning styles to break down learning barriers
  • to ensure a high level of staff confidence and expertise to meet pupil need, through well targeted SEND continuing professional development and a high level of support from the SENDCo and Outside Agencies
  • to identify the accountability and responsibilities of all staff  ‘The Team around the child’ in identifying and meeting children’s special educational needs through quality first teaching and targeted teaching
  • to ensure that reasonable adjustments are made to enable all children to have full access and entitlement to all elements of the school curriculum
  • to support pupils with medical conditions towards full inclusion in all school activities by ensuring consultation with health and social care professionals
  • to work in cooperation and productive partnerships with the Local Education Authority and other outside agencies, to ensure there is a multi-professional approach to meeting the needs of all  learners and ensuring high quality provision particularly for those with more complex special needs
  • to ensure that the school’s SEND Report is accessible to parents,  outlines the school’s vision for SEND within the school and is updated annually in consultation with stakeholders

Policies and Reports:

Please click on the documents below to access this academic years SEND Policy and Report.


Worried about a Child?

If you have any concerns about the safety and/or welfare of a child or young person please contact school first. Mrs Taylor is the Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mr Logue,Mrs Tuohy, Miss Stokes, Mrs Garghan and Miss Townson are the Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads and Mrs K Wilde is the Safeguarding Governor. telephone the Children's Advice & Support Service (CASS) on 0121 303 1888 or via secure email; CASS@birminghamchildrenstrust.co.uk. For more information on email security click here.

Outside of normal office hours please call 0121 675 4806 for the Emergency Duty Team

For more information about making a referral and to access the Request for Support form - click here

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